Art Therapy: What it is and how to get it on the NDIS
Everyone can be creative, regardless of their age or ability. You don't have to be the next Leonardo Di Vinci.
Art is an excellent form of expression. It helps us communicate with others through painting, drawing, and so much more. With a guided art therapist, you can take on challenges like stress and chronic illnesses. And it's NDIS approved too!
Art therapy offers a lot of benefits such as:
- Empowering people
- Improves creativity and self-esteem
- Increased self-awareness
- Reduced stress and anxiety
- Enhances mind-body connection
- Improves interpersonal skills
Does art therapy work?
Extensive research shows the effectiveness of art therapy. Art therapists encourage their clients to explore many forms of self-expression. It's an enjoyable experience and is helpful where talk therapy isn't as effective. It's ideal for people who can't verbalise their feelings.
What services do art therapists offer?
Art therapists offer various visual and practical art-making services, like drawing and painting, to help treat mental health and developmental disorders. Art therapists can help people manage behaviours and achieve insight.
Art therapy sessions aren't like art classes. Art classes focus on techniques and focus on making a finished product. Art therapy is more about letting you focus on your inner experience. You're encouraged to create art based on your inner world.
NDIS art therapy funding
Under the NDIS, art therapy is considered an allied health service, in the same way as physiotherapy and speech therapy are. NDIS participants set life goals as part of their plan. If you list art therapy as one of the supports you would like to receive, the NDIS checks and may grant a budget. Then you need to find a provider in your area who can provide art therapy services. Search the Infoqore Disability Directory to find a service in your area. When you choose a provider, a Service Agreement between you and your art therapist can be made. The service agreement details inclusions and the frequency of sessions, fees etc.
Adaptive art supplies and equipment
If you have a physical disability but want to give art therapy a go, plenty of adaptive art supplies are for sale. These adaptive tools help support and allow control during art-making, allowing you to create and express yourself more freely.
eBility offers a wide selection of mobility aids and equipment. At eBility, we aim to help people gain independence and get the proper support.
If you're looking for other disability aids and equipment, have a browse at what is currently for sale on eBility. If you're looking for a specific piece of equipment, feel free to get in touch with one of eBility's friendly staff members today.